Description: The Sunnybank Hall is a heritage-listed timber hall, located at the corner of Lister and Gager Streets, Sunnybank.
The venue is accessible by public transport, the bus stop ‘Lister Street at Gager Street, Stop 77’ is located at the front of the hall. The facility has on-site parking as well as an accessible parking space within a short distance of the rear entrance. Handrails and tactile ground surface indicators are provided on all entry stairs and accessible ramps at the venue.
At this venue all doors both internal and external are manual doors and are a minimum of 0.9 metres wide. Inside, all areas have vinyl flooring, except for the stage and Meeting Room 1, which have polished timber flooring. All areas are air-conditioned and the main hall has ceiling fans.
The most commonly used entrance to the main hall is located at the rear of the building, accessed using stairs or the accessible ramp from the carpark. The first white door to the left of the accessible ramp leads into the main hall. A swipe card is required for access using the black card reader to the right of this door.
The rear entrance opens into the kitchen, which features a fridge with freezer, benchtop microwave, double sink, cooktop and oven for reheating food only and a boiling and chilled water tap. The sink and benches are not wheelchair accessible.
In the furthest right corner of the kitchen is a white door with small glass panel leading into a corridor. The corridor has a white door on the left wall and the hall entrance on the right wall. The door on the left opens into a unisex accessible toilet with right hand transfer and baby change table. The toilet features braille signage to the left of this door.
Entering the main hall from the corridor there is a stage to the right running the full width of the hall. Immediately to the left, chairs are stacked along the wall and tables are stored in the far left corner. These tables fold down and have wheels to make them easier to move and store. Additional chairs are stored in the foyer at the opposite end of the hall to the stage, accessed through white double-swing doors. The hall can accommodate up to 139 people. The hall features a piano on the stage and an audio-visual system that includes a projector, speakers, and induction hearing loop system. Audio-visual controls are located on the left side of the stage. There is also a black door that opens to the back of stage foyer adjacent to Meeting Room 2.
Returning to the accessible ramp at the rear of the building and continuing past the first entrance, there is a set of stairs leading to the back of stage foyer, accessed through a white door. A swipe card is required for access using the black card reader to the left of this door. Through this door and turning to the left is a second white door directly ahead that opens to Meeting Room 2. This room can accommodate up to six people.
Returning to the base of the Meeting Room 2 stairs, the accessible ramp turns to the left, then turns to the right after approximately four metres. After turning to the right there is a white door on the left wall that is the entry to Meeting Room 1. A swipe card is required for access using the black card reader to the left of this door. This room can accommodate up to 10 people. This meeting room features a bar fridge, benchtop microwave and ceramic wash basin. To the left of the entry is a set of stairs that leads to the hall stage.
Returning to the rear of the hall, there is a brick building located to the left with a covered courtyard connecting it to the hall. Additional toilets are located in the brick building, accessed to the left of the courtyard. The first grey door leads into male toilets. Continuing past a locked second door, there is a third grey door leads into the female toilets. Both male and female toilets feature braille signage on the entry doors.
This concludes the tour of Sunnybank Community Hall.